Scarves and the woven wool, cashmere, pashwana etc. material are tough. Anyone have any suggestions on needles (ordering ball nose needles today) or backing? Or anything else? I'm trying different stitch densities and I'm finding I can cut a hole in the test scarf pretty easily with sharp needles. Although I did find the ability to cut holes an interesting decoration! Any thoughts on thread?
I'm also using large stitch counts and getting the backing off the garment is impossible with tear-away, too many small pieces. Cut-away is not an option. Will stuff like Solvy do me any good? Or is it going to be one mess of clumped goo? I have waffle and some other backings around.
I'd be interested if anyone has an idea of the recipe for wool scarves. I'm not quite sure of all the parameters to set the tensions or whatever parameters are controlled by the recipe.
Thanks in advance for your help,