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Linden leaf 1.0.0

   (2 reviews)

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Germanic epic hero Siegfried became invincible like Achilles in Greek myths. Like Achilles, he had one point of vulnerability. With Achilles, it was his heel by which someone held him when dipping him in something or other. With Siegfried, it was the leaf of a linden tree, considered a portentous tree in Germanic tales, that stuck to his back when he bathed in dragon's blood. Like you do.

Intended to be embroidered on the back of a shirt.

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Ostviertel 344

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Sehr schön. Merci und Dankeschön für deine wunderbare Arbeit :D

Response from the author:

Kein Ding. Meine Arbeit hier besteht z. groessten Teil aus einfachem Machen, Durchklicken.

Most of the work here was just grinding through the steps, not actual craft. What I aim for, though, is conceptual work. Making embroidery say something.

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lindav 33


I left a comment but then I thought that having the leaf on the back could be a reminder to "Watch your back."" 

You could write a little note about the story around it and leave that as a last sentence.


Response from the author:

Yep. Except you wouldn't see it, being on your own back. Heh.

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