When I upgraded to Tajima Illustrator Extreme I was upset to find that the End Lock list no longer included Triangle & Diamond, it just had Basic and Line. When I reported it I was questioned why I needed them.
Being new to the business it made me wonder how and when I should really be using them.
What upset me about the missing diamond was I like to use the diamond at a big size stitch (2 or 3 mm) for locking off temporary tensioning or holding stitches as its easier to cut them out afterwards.
The Line lock is my default general purpose lock as I find it useful for hiding in the end of satin / steil. But I also find that it stresses the fabric and can cause a pucker or even tear, particularly on weaker and stretch fabrics and especially if placed at the end of a satin or on a corner (I always move it back away from ends and corners now)
Diamond and Triangle I use to avoid stressing an aukward fabric, and if necessary will put them on top of the satin stitch at the end (yes I know it shows slightly but I reckon its far better than tearing a hole in a shirt after an hours stitching)
I also use 1 or 2 mm diamond and triangle for start and finish of sequin stitches as I use the very fine nylon monofilament which is a single strand so cannot pass through itself to lock, and pulling it tight in a small default 0.6mm line lock appears to overstress almost any fabric.
So when and how should I really use the different lock stitches ? ? ? ? ?