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Print Preview changes design in Wilcom?


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New to the forum, so thanks in advance of your nice welcomes! :)

Bought a company and have been on a crash course toward developing an elite embroidery dept out of an average-at-best one...fun stuff.  Simple question about Wilcom Elements 3 (applies to ES1.5 too on an older computer at my shop):  have you ever had a perfect design changed when you go to Print Preview the Production Worksheet?

I inserted some lettering with standard stitch values in an existing design (straight baseline, app 3" wide by .3" in height) and it looks perfect on screen with TruView and without...when I go to Print Preview it is changed to omit some stitches at the top and bottom of straight block letters, and of course it looks sloppy?  When I exit Print Preview, the stitches are gone too, but when I hit ctrl-Z it reverses whatever function was applied and looks perfect again.  So I save the .emb to my database, and I save as a Tajima.dst for my particular machines:  alas, it sews out with the stitches absent.  Anyone else had this experience? 

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