Heart-shaped scissors holder with embroidery
Want to learn how the simplest design, a couple of stitches and tools make a cute item? This tutorial contains a bare minimum of technique, a couple of tips and a step-by-step guide to creating an original scissors holder shaped like a heart. A gift like this will warm the heart of any crafter. And, if you have a really creative sewer/embroiderer for a friend, who owns lots of scissors, you may even give it to them instead of a Valentine.
Heart-shaped scissors holder with embroidery. Materials:
- Sole-colored fabric (non-stretchy)
- Felt (thick)
- Tearaway adhesive stabilizer
- Upper embroidery threads
- Lower embroidery threads
- Scissors
- Machine embroidery design
Heart-shaped scissors holder with embroidery. The making process
Prepare the necessary materials. Load the design into your embroidery machine and attach the sole-colored fabric to the stabilizer. This will be our front (embroidered) panel.
I usually prefer a tearaway adhesive, but in this case, a nonadhesive tearaway will do just as good, as will a cutaway stabilizer. If you use the last one, you may leave it in place after embroidery; in that case, you’ll have a strengthened front panel.
If you’ll choose to make an entire holder out of thick felt, you may spare the stabilizer altogether.
The next step is to attach the hoop to the embroidery machine and start the embroidery. Home embroidery machine will make stops for a thread change.
Once the embroidery is finished, unhoop. Leave the stabilizer in place, if you wish.
On the embroidered fabric, draw a triangle in such a way that the design fits exactly in its center. Keep in mind the size of the scissors, for which the holder is intended. Before cutting the triangle out, decide whether you will fold the edges or not. If yes, don't forget to leave some fabric for seam allowance (or fraying, as shown in this tutorial).
Pick up a sheet of paper, draw the triangle and then add two half-circles to transform it into a heart. You may skip this part and draw directly on felt. It is easier to draw on paper, so, if you're not an artist (I’m not), do as I did.
Press the paper template to the felt and cut the back panel of your holder.
You’re almost done. The fabric I chose for my front panel frays a bit. I decided not to fold the sides in order to hide the edges. In order to prevent the upper edge from fraying more than it is necessary for decoration, I add a decorative stitch at some distance from it. Now I join the sides with the back panel. I use threads of the same color as the felt.
One last thing: I pierce a hole on the side and tie the ribbon in a bow. A piercer came with my sewing and embroidery machine. If you do not own one, use a substitute.
Voila! Your scissors holder is ready!
Original text by Mary Stratan
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Edited by Irina