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Thread Thickness and Digitizing Techniques



When digitizing or adding a new thread type to your system, you can also input the desired thickness of that thread.  This helps when trying to determin the coverage of a fill on a large area.

Custom thread thickness table

A bit of back ground the industry standard thread weight for most industrial shops is 40wt this has the best coverage on standard logos and works with a widest variety of applications. However there are specialty areas that can get better results when working with other areas.

Small Diameter 60wt Threads.

When working with small diameter threads you can use smaller needles like a 65/9 needle this allows for more detail and less bulk, applications that this excells at is small lettering under 4mm or .25 of inch. The thread thickness is half the size of the standard thread and the needle is considerably smaller allowing for more needle penetration in a very small area, 60wt threads are also commonly used in the craft and home embroidery segments, there is a wide range of colors available in this wt and often you get get 5000m spools as well. In the example below you can see that we made very small text , using standard Pulse Microsystems Fonts. These fonts are specially designed for small lettering and have the underlay and compensation built in,

Embroidered letters small

Large Diameter 20 pr 30wt Threads

When working with large fills where you want to cover a wide are on a jacket or what to keep the density to a minimum then you may want to consider using a large needle and larger size thread. There are quite a few applications where you can substiture a larger thread but working on jackets like leather that rip when putting too many needle penetrations in the design using a larger needle and larger thread reduces the amount of needle penetration but allows for great coverage. It also reduces the puckering of the fabric.
In the example below you will see a design that is made by Campus Crew a Canadian Company that excels in using large threads. They use it to cover large areas with stitches and they also use it for effect on applique designs as well.

Embroidered boston bruins jacket

Changing thread thickness

When you need to change thread on your embroidery machine you should also change the thickness in your digitizing software so the appearance of the designs is correct, this will give you a visual que on how dense or how much detail to add. Its often over looked in the software when digitizing for these types of applications.
To change (1) color on demand without effecting the color chart follow steps below.

1. Right Click on the color
2. Goto Properties
3. Change the highlighted value
Software embroidery thread parametr

1.   20wt thread very large thread
 2.   30wt thread
 3.   40wt thread default 
 4.   50wt thread 
 5.   60wt thread very small thread 

This method changes the thread in the design only.. Its a great option for on demand digitzing for clients or designs when you normally do not work with the type of embroidery thread.


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