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Sequin Introduction



Sequins are easy to digitize with the newer software, once you understand the basic and rules for digitizing. In your Pulse machine embroidery software the tools will automatically lock the sequins, you can choose a variety of sizes and styles for spacing them.

So you need the hardware for your machine, usually you can add it on after the fact, check with your distributor, for information.

If you plan to punch using the manual sequin tool then you will need to know how to tie it off when placing your stitches. The automatic tools do this for you.

General Rules

- Don't use short stitches , you need to allow for the spacing on the sequins and the stitches for the machine. If you use short stitches you will run into needle breaks, thread breaks etc.

- Take time with your artwork making it accurate as possible.

- When ever possible use the automatic sequin options

- Costing sequins will slow your embroidery down and you cannot cost it by stitch count as their are very few stitches.

Sequins are applied using a special electro mechanical device that mounts to the head of a machine at the needle #1 location. A sequin wheel, containing a ribbon of sequins, is attached to the device and the ribbon is fed down to the sewing needle. When engaged, the sequin device enables the sequins to be sewn to the garment using a series of “tie” stitches. “Tie” stitches are essentially a set of small run stitches, usually three per sequin, that overlap the edges of the sequin and secure it firmly in place.

You can purchase the option in Illustrator for the sequin and you can purchase fonts as well once you have a sequin attachment.

Sequin Tools

sequins tools

Sequin Fonts

sequins fonts

Sequin Tool

The sequin tool is based on the Bezier drawing mode, to review the different drawing modes, you can press B bezier on your keyboard, The fundamentals video we recommend everyone set the software to quick draw mode which is Q on the keyboard. However for the sequin tools your best to use the bezier tools.

Create a string of sequins by simply drawing the shape along where the sequins have to be dropped. It’s just as easy as creating a run stitch. Or, Import artwork and convert to Sequin in one easy step.


You will need to know what size of sequins you are using so can adjust the space for them

sequins variants

Spacing options for how close the sequins are to each other can be controlled via the properties.

sequins space option

TIP For sequins use mm for measurement its easier value to work with for this tool.

Sequin Tool

In your software you can easily control the colors of the sequins, color change option.

sequins wave

There are various types of styles that you can use for sequins and tack down see below;
sequins various types

Another options is you can add repeats to the sequins for the tack down used

sequins another option

Sequin Tool

In your software you can control the placement on the line, and the length much like fit to box.


You can control the tie off for both starting the sequin, and ending the sequence which can be set up to be automatic. In addition you can control the which way the tack down is placed ie North face tack down. And you can control the start and stop position of the sequin.

Run Stitch length for the sequin tools

sequins with run stitch

You can convert any artwork files to sequins, please make sure your artwork is clean as it makes the conversion easier than trying to edit it after the conversion. Simplify it when possible and allow space for the size and type of sequins.

Sequin Fill Tool

If you need to have a filled in area, the sequin fill tool allows you to space, offset, fit to shape etc. Very easy to use to convert artwork shapes to sequin fills.

sequins fill form

You can control the fill pattern like normal fills including having the sequins align straight or like the wave tool.

sequins leaves

You can control the line spacing, pattern offset and traveling route, traveling direction fill tolerance, edge connections.

sequins fill tool


Always check with your machine manual for options and setup of all settings the information in this manual is based on theory not on production. We do not have a machine to test or setup the embroidery designs.


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