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I will continue a subject of imitation of wool and feathers in machine embroidery manually and I will show today as it is possible to reach, according to the developers, similar effect in an automatic mode, in those editors of embroidery in whom there is such an effect or filling – Fur. Once again I will repeat, I know while only 2 editors in whom it can be realized. It is Tajima by Pulse 14 Maestro and Stitch Era Liberty Plus (if it was bought (Expansion pack) add-on for reproduction of this effect).

First I will sort the simple option, both on settings, and by opportunities, what can make Stitch Era. Why this option is simple? Only because doesn't allow the user almost any opportunities to operate that, that turns out.

Type of a stitch to which is applicable this effect – satin (smooth) or sateen with filling. Also it doesn't matter, by what way the object on two points (Column) or a simple contour (Satin Path, Fusion Fill) is digitized.


After a choice any of led round the tape by me with all possible settings for this effect appears on the picture above tools. I chose Fur Fill Pattern, having specified desirable texture (a violet square):


Now it is possible to draw a contour in which it is planned to apply desirable effect of imitation of wool. For example, such:


Further it is necessary to specify the desirable directions of stitches (Stitch Direction). I chose only two directions for the experiments:


Further I choose the Effect Line tool and I draw with its help cross lines, as though dividing them object into sections, but the object thus remains whole:


After I divided object, I press Enter and I receive such picture:


If to pass from the 3D mode into a standard mode of display of stitches, it is visible what represent these sections:


Naturally, all sections have the identical direction of stitches that helps them "to get" well each other, without demanding from the user of careful selection of these directions.

Sections, in essence - the usual sateen, which one edge equal other edge of object also coincides with drawn Effect line the line (red arrows), other edge of object the rough (Jagged Edge). Roughness of edge can be regulated in a percentage ratio. I can regulate also from what party or from both the edge won't be equal:


But even if I will choose roughness from 2 parties, it won't affect in any way an internal structure of sections. One edge of internal sections always will be a straight line; forms of edges of external sections will change only:


I can't make with sections practically anything, besides, that to specify their color: to make them one-color instead of the color:


I can't change an entry point and an exit, to change density of each section separately. I can't apply to them frameworks any at all (strengthening). Besides, I can't operate sequence of embroidery even if I have in design one more same color. Full lack of will and dependence on the software!

But as though, that was, I made here such simple animal and embroidered it:

Continue this theme in next Blog


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