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Easter basket fsl free embroidery design Any popular formats

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Size name MOTIV  -  KROXIN: 3.54 x 3.54'

Size name MOTIV   2    -  KROXIN:  1.61 x 6.96'

Author: Kroxin

Easter is a festive season that brings joy and excitement to all. One of the things that make this season special is the tradition of Easter baskets. They are filled with goodies, gifts, and surprises. If you are an embroidery enthusiast and looking for a free machine embroidery design for your Easter basket, you have come to the right place.

What is FSL Machine Embroidery Design?

FSL stands for Free-Standing Lace. It is a type of machine embroidery that involves creating a design using a water-soluble stabilizer. The stabilizer is used to create a lace-like texture that stands on its own, without any fabric support. FSL embroidery designs are popular for creating delicate and intricate designs such as doilies, table runners, coasters, and even Easter baskets.

The Easter Basket FSL Free Machine Embroidery Design

The Easter Basket FSL Free Machine Embroidery Design is a beautiful and intricate design that is perfect for creating an Easter basket. The design is created using a water-soluble stabilizer and embroidery thread.

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Mila Oost
Mila Oost 746

· Edited by Mila Oost

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Incredible! Each time the lace is more and more beautiful! Thank you! 

P.S. Ladies and gentlemen! Is it difficult for you to thank the author? 166 people have downloaded this design and only 2 (including me) have done so. It's that simple, just click on the "Heart" icon and you're done. Another option, if you don't like it, do not download.

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Ewa 508

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Piekne -Cute-Ty  -Dziekuje bardzo jeszcze raz



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