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Author: Alexey Vavilov

Unleash Your Creativity with Mandala Embroidery

Embroider Your Peace:

Embark on a serene journey as you thread your way through the intricate Mandala free embroidery design. Perfect for both novices and seasoned embroiderers, this design invites you to immerse yourself in the art of stitching, transforming simple threads into a masterpiece of tranquility. Let each stitch be a step towards mindfulness and inner peace, crafting not just an artwork but a sanctuary for your soul.

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Mila Oost
Mila Oost 747


Prachtige mandala. Ik heb een grote collectie vergelijkbare ontwerpen, maar bijna geen enkele in kleine maten. Hartelijk dank!  :D

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Joves 7


Mooi ontwerp dat voor vele zaken gebruikt kan worden. Dank u

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