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Author: Sergey Konovchenko

Unleash Your Creativity with Every Stitch World Free Embroidery Design

Embroidery That Tells a Story

 Step into a world where every thread weaves a tale of artistry and heritage. Our World Free Embroidery Design collection is more than just patterns; it's a canvas for your creativity. With motifs inspired by cultures around the globe, each design is a gateway to exploring artistic traditions that have been cherished for centuries. From the intricate mandalas of South Asia to the bold geometrics of African art, these designs are your passport to a world of inspiration.

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Mila Oost
Mila Oost 747


This is unbelievable! I was just thinking about a similar design and found it on this forum! Thank you very much. :D


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Ostviertelad 113


KLASSE UND ES SIND NICHT ZUVIEL FARBWECHSEL diese Welt schafft sogar meine Stickmaschine :lol:. Merci und Dankeschön 

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