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Truesizer E3, can't convert to *jef

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I am a private user of a download version of Truesizer E3. I'm new to use software to convert my embroidery files I bought once as *PES  format for a Brother innovis 950 into *jef. Now I have a Janome MC 500E , she is aible to read and embroider *jef, *jef+ and *dst. I tryed to convert my files I have on my Lap into *jef with truesizer and always there is an error. I tryed it also with *jef to *jef, I tryed to resize it to a very small size , to center, to choose another machine type (the MC 500E is not available in options and I tryed to update on the Janome side how it is said in the dialog, but the link doesn't work).

Is there any way for converting to *jef? * dst works, I 'm aible to convert into, but it changes all colors of the embroidery....


Please excuse my bad english, I didn't need it the last 30 years....


Many greatings from Gabi

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Truesizer supports Jef and Dst, it could be the designs sizes, the orientation, or even the start and end end points, all Janome machines have a start point at the x and y co-ordinates of zero. If you can convert to DST, first check all the colours and sewing sequence, write them down and then save as DST. The colours that appear you simply ignore, you change colours on the machine according to the list of colours you wrote down and in the order you stitch them..

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On 08.02.2018 at 2:37 PM, Emma William said:

Hi Gabi,

I think an older version of Wilcom can solve this problem. Truesizer E3 does not support certain formats. 

If you need any further help in this case then please feel free to ask. I got an older version of wilcom at my end and I can gladly help you out in converting into .jef!


Emma ..


hi Emma

can you help me to convert a *phc format into *pes? TIA

regards, inna

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Wilcom True sizer ES3 supports a huge number of formats including PHC  and converts to most formats.5abc0cb23559d_es3tssupportedformats1.PNG.7a0c6948a482488ba5f6079fc10e3aa4.PNG5abc0ccd601b6_es3tssupportedformats2.PNG.e4341b655f0127512289a6f734eb3383.PNG5abc0f8a75225_es3tsSaveassupportedformats3.PNG.2b74a58a1db57f2652205827336d431e.PNG5abc0fa89c18f_es3tsSaveassupportedformats4.PNG.2af3f622c36727cdfe8f3e30b67be6f0.PNG5abc0fa89c18f_es3tsSaveassupportedformats4.PNG.2af3f622c36727cdfe8f3e30b67be6f0.PNG

What you can't do with a stitch file is successfully re scale it, you would need an Emb, Jan, or Art native format in order to re scale . Also when you open a stitch file it is auto centred for you, move it and the program will tell you error when you try to Save as in the stitch format you want.. 

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  • 1 year later...

Hi.There are sometimes people out there that digitise designs and purposely make the design difficult to convert by placing either the start or stop position in the far corner of a large hoop. I have come across this problem before. There is now Wilcom Truesizer e4. Older versions also have a button to place the start and stop position in the centre of the design. Try using this button and it should help.950747354_AutoStartStopButton.thumb.png.feb5f200d8c2f6f02243c3bbf0ed2fe0.png

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