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Hello to everyone ! I first wanted to say sorry about my language, It's not really good ! I have a little problem with my sewings and i don't really know how to fix it, I'm watching videos for how that embroidery digitizing software works, but i can't find how to fix this problem.  The problem is that this software it's not that used or i just don't see a lot of people working on it, that's why i wanted to search an answer here like a question . So the problem is the right filling an object. When i want to fill an object there are a lot of problems like missing stiches or lines that are with more stitches. Im using Artistic Digitizer and the embroidery machine is Elna eXpressive 970. I'm pretty sure that the problem is from the file. 

How looks embroidery design in final

Embroidered design in hoop

Embroidery design in software

Artistic Digitizer with embroidery design

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Your design doesn't look solid. Perhaps when you created the project, you specified a low stitch density when filling. The standard for taami stitches is 0.4 stitches per millimeter. please specify which settings you are using. This will give more information.

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  • diver361 changed the title to Problem with embroidering
  • 2 years later...
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