Original text by: Marina Belova
Today I'll continue with the topic of keeping the wrong side of the embroidery neat. This time I'm interested whether it is possible to use a metallic thread both on the right and wrong sides of lace instead of inserting a polyester thread of a matching color into a bobbin. With polyester thread on the wrong side various snowflakes, medallions and other 3D Christmas decorations do not come out beautiful enough.
To maintain the experimental integrity and put the things right, I decided to embroider a design with a monofilament thread in the bobbin, to see what the result will be.
I have a standard monofilament thread made in China, only it is black. It is 0.12 mm in diameter:
I used a standard black polyester thread on the right side. It's a pity that there was no transparent fishing line, so I had to use the one that was available.
For the right side of the second sample I wound up a golden thread onto a spool:
So I hooped a water soluble film and tried to embroider with a monofilament thread in the bobbin. I was disappointed right away — the first loop was very badly formed, only on the very lower speed and in manual mode (about 120 rpm). But this a trifling matter compared to the fact that on the speeds above 400-450 rpm the upper thread keeps being cut by the fishing line in the bobbin every 5 or 10 stitches, so you cannot embroider at all. In the end, after several thread breaks and restarts, after several attempts of finding the right speed, I was bound to embroider on 400 rpm:
The worst thing was that my machine did not like the trimming part — the knife just could not cut the fishing line, and the machine began to utter strange noises, which I didn't like at all. In the end, I had to trim the fishing line by scissors. But the wrong side looks impeccable:
Golden thread + golden thread was a much better option: the loop formed effortlessly, there were no speed problems, neither upper nor underthread didn't break, and the trimming went as usual. The only thing that was different from the embroidery with the ordinary bobbin thread was that I had quite a job adjusting the underthread tension. This is what the front looks like:
This is the neat wrong side of the second embroidery sample:
Summary: I vote against monofilament thread in a bobbin, because I feel sorry for the machine. As for the golden thread, even a cheap one made in China, like the one I had, can be used on the wrong side without hesitation, and I will definitely do that in future.