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Stargate SG1 free embroidery design 1.0.0

   (5 reviews)

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Stargate SG1 right arm patch free embroidery design. The patch is about 8.5cm x 8.5cm. If you like the design please click on the like button, it lets me know if people like my designs. Please leave a comment or a review of the Stargate Patch. Good or bad I don't mind so long as it is constructive. Please enjoy this embroidery and don't forget to share the design with your friends. Make them an arm patch as a surprise. It's nice to be kind.

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Guylaine-Henriette 3

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

mon beau-fils est fan de la série et si je peux telecharger la broderie je lui ferai une surprise

Response from the author:

Je suis content que vous aimiez le design et j'espère que votre beau-fils appréciera la surprise.  Merci pour vos commentaires.


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deirdre_heiman 3

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

And you signed it!!!  So cool. 

Response from the author:

I did yes just for fun, it's the only one I signed. It shouldn't show through, Lol. I hope you like the design. :-)

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stryper 7

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Thank you, I love this design!

Response from the author:

I'm glad you like the design. I have a couple more SG1 ideas for designs keep an eye on my account :-)

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Mila Oost
Mila Oost 747

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Thank you!   One more nice design for my collection. )))

Response from the author:

Thank you. My pleasure.

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eyeztodiefor10 157

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

This is totally awesome! You just made my day, my week, maybe even my year! Thank you!

Response from the author:

Thank you, I think you just made my day too. Enjoy the design.

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