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Angel wings with paws free embroidery design

size 1: 2.91 x 1.53'

size 2: 3.91 x 2.06'

size 3: 4.91 x 2.58'

Heavenly Love: For Our Furry Companions wings with paws free embroidery

Unveiling the "Angel Wings with Paws" embroidery design, a heart-touching tribute to our beloved pets who have left paw prints on our hearts and memories that will forever linger. This design perfectly encapsulates the undying bond we share with our four-legged family members, celebrating the joy, love, and warmth they brought into our lives.

A Loving Embroidered Memorial

Every pet leaves an indelible mark on our souls. This embroidery design serves as a poignant reminder of the wagging tails, soft purrs, and joyful barks that once filled our homes. It's a delicate and beautiful way to remember and honor those furry souls that touched our lives in countless ways.


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