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Customer digitiizng cost

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En pièce jointe l'image à numériser en la simplifiant pour enlever tous les petits détails. Je voudrais simplement les couleurs principales des plus grandes surfaces. C'est pour broder sur une casquette et un tee-shirt. Quel serait le prix pour :5 cm de hauteur 15 cm de hauteur.

Logo dragon embroidery design
Merci d'avance.

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Would you be so kind as to let me know the prices for digitizing the following logos in attatch Request that the programs are in .dst

1 . Embola
To be embroidered on Polo shirts with 75 / 80 mm height
2. Belgrafica To be embroidered on Polo shirt, 80 mm length

Hope to hear from you soon

Belgrafica logo


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Would you be so kind as to let me know the prices for digitizing the following logos in attatch
Request that the programs are in .dst
1 . Embola

To be embroidered on Polo shirts with 75 / 80 mm height

2. Belgrafica

To be embroidered on Polo shirt, 80 mm length

Hope to hear from you soon




 We send answer via Personal message form.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I am a digitizer with 10 years production digitizing experience. I am currently seeking new clients.

I work with Wilcom software (the best in the industry). I am available Monday through Saturday and an occasional Sunday when needed.I have worked as a Digitizing Manager for the UK client and I have digitized thousands and thousands of designs over the years.

If you are looking for outsource digitizing, I would be the right choice for you. Given a king project and opportunity, I assure you the best workmanship, prompt execution in reasonable price and timely delivery. I never compromise on quality and digitize logo with full determination result in good quality! My designs run smoother with fewer color changes and minimal thread breaks.Send me your artwork with all appropriate information and I will gladly send you a quote.

With thanks!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
I have receive a price to get some custom digitizing done of our logo.   then asked what the next step was and was told an invoice would come to me and then another 2 - 3 days for the downloadable file.
I am wondering if an invoice has been sent or do I need to do something to get an invoice.   I have never ordered custom digitizing and not sure the process.
the logos were done for JackyClews and the name of them is Roughrider, and Clews Logo embroidery design.
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I have receive a price to get some custom digitizing done of our logo.   then asked what the next step was and was told an invoice would come to me and then another 2 - 3 days for the downloadable file.

I am wondering if an invoice has been sent or do I need to do something to get an invoice.   I have never ordered custom digitizing and not sure the process. 

the logos were done for JackyClews and the name of them is Roughrider, and Clews Logo.


No worries, we send designs after 1- 2 days.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You have digitized for me before I was wonder if you could do this for me.

I have attached the item, just the grey and black with outline of item as is

3" on pes.......light to medium grey back ground with finished edging of same grey

And black wording.....

Please let me know.  


Sorry, we can't found attached image.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I would like this image digitized to approximately 4" high. I would like the Skull and Cross Bones (Crossed Wrenches) to be white. I would like the two circle rings to be Blue. I would like the words "Plumbers" and "Engineers" to be Grey. I would like the words "Because Even" to be Gold. I would like the words "Need Heroes" to be Red. I would like the 8 stars to be Yellow. I would like the checkered/textured background inside the center circle to be silver and black. I would like the accents and spaces in the skull to be black. I do not want any other background. Please do this in .xxx format. I will pay you using PayPal as soon as you bill me. I need this as soon as possible.

Thank you,


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On 12/12/2014 at 7:20 PM, marysayer said:

I have been waiting to hear from you on this custom request.  I need this as soon as possible now. I have been waiting since 21 November.  Please let me know when this can be done, or if I need to go someplace else.  I need this for a Christmas gift.

Please send picture or using our service Order page for custom embroidery digitizing
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